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Tomorrow is Another Day

NOTE: Margaret Mitchell was known as "Peggy" to friends and family. She wrote "Gone With the Wind" beginning with the last chapter.

"... After all, tomorrow is another day..."

Peggy stared at the words and then said to herself, "That's enough for now."

She put the pages in a manila envelope and stashed it between some books on her desk.
"Glad that part's finished," she thought.

"Well my dear, you can look at it that way, but no, that's not how it is."

It was Rhett talking to her, and he seemed insistent. "You say 'After all,' but you know very well that, after all, after all, there's really nothing here for us to figure out. There really are no tomorrows for us, for any of us, unless you say so."

"I just wanted to wait a bit!" Peggy argued. "I'm spent tonight. I can finish writing this tomorrow."

"Scarlett, where are you? Use your persuasive powers to convince her," urged Rhett.

"Oh fiddle-dee-dee, Rhett Butler! I've never heard of such bad taste! (Whispering) What would be better, cutting inuendo or scorching criticism?"

"Try the withering sarcasm. That should bring her around."

"Oh, Peggy! You can't just leave us like this without a future! Please! Or my life is over. Nothing will ever happen to me anymore. And I'll never, ever, forgive you!"

"OK, OK! I can take a hint!" 

Peggy pulled the manila envelope out, opened it, and leafed through to the last page. "I'll see what I can do."

Sitting at her desk, she pondered her story's ending. How would she resolve it? Would they reunite and live happily ever after? Would another tragedy keep them apart? Would everything just fade away?

Then it dawned on her. There would be no simple resolution! Readers would have to figure it out for themselves!

"After all, tomorrow is another day." She pondered the words for a moment, put the pages and the manila envelope away, and went to bed.

And indeed, as it turned out, tomorrow was another day.